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Computers & Workshops                

Do you really need a computer in your workshop?

Of course you do!! At least that’s what the sales people tell you.

But do you really need one, and if you get one, are you able to take advantage of what it can offer you?

These are the questions that currently face many workshop owners and managers. To buy or not to buy. If I buy, which system is right for me?

I’d like to say that I can offer you the perfect answer!! Unfortunately, to do so would be a complete and utter lie. There is no easy answer to these questions, but maybe with a few honestly answered questions, you may be able to make the right decision for you.

bulletIs your current system (paper or computer) working effectively?
bulletIf so, why do you want to change?
bulletDo you spend a few hours a day, or many hours after work completing accounts and paper work?
bulletIs your business expanding, shrinking, or remaining about the same?
bulletDo you want your business to expand, shrink, or stay the same?
bulletDo you want to change the way you operate your business?
bulletAre you prepared to put in extra effort in the short term, for a potential long term saving?

Think about these questions for a few minutes. If you go ahead with a computer system, it requires some small, but sometimes quite radical changes in the way you operate.

Let’s also dispel a few rumours about computers.

bulletA computer will save me time!
Well, maybe! Initially, you will need to spend a significant amount of time learning about the computer system, entering your existing information and bringing your manual and computer systems into line. Typically, this can take 2 or 3 months, sometimes longer depending on the effort put in by you, or if you employ someone to do it for you. However, once the information is in, the computer excels in retrieving that information. For example, next time a vehicle comes in for a service, you can immediately find the details of the last service, parts used etc. Doing statements for account customers is simply a matter of pressing a button and your accounts are printed.
bulletA computer will save me money!
Spending $2,000-$10,000 seems a funny way to save money. In fact, unless you make effective use of your computer system, it could become a very expensive white elephant. I have seen many computers stuck under desks, or down the back covered in rubbish because no-one knew how to make good use of the system, and they couldn’t find anyone to help. In fact, used correctly, with the right system installed, the computer should start generating new business and increase sales and profits. The information recorded when doing jobcards and invoices should allow you to watch the profit on your work, reduce your lost time and help to promote your business to existing and new customers. By presenting your accountant with comprehensive reports, it should also reduce your accountancy fees. If you only use it to print invoices, handwritten invoices are much cheaper.

So, you still want a computer!

What do you do next?

Your local computer shop will almost certainly sell you an "inexpensive solution meeting all your needs" (the salesmans words, not mine). But will it really suit your needs? Remember, you have specific information that you need to record and retrieve easily.

Most "off the shelf" accounting programs do not suit workshops. They do not have the facility to record vehicle information and link that to customers. They don’t have a way of storing frequently used repair descriptions so you don’t have to type them each time you do an invoice. They don’t have the facility to remind customers that vehicles are due for a service and so on. While these packages may be cheap, you will become frustrated and disillusioned very quickly, and ultimately not use the computer as intended.

The solution!

Buy a package from a company that specialises in workshop systems. There are a number of very good packages available, all offering various levels of functionality and price. You need to think about exactly what is important for you, check out a few of these packages to make sure they offer you the right combination of features you really need. Make sure you are getting a tried and tested package. All new products tend to have teething problems, so don’t buy from a company without a track record.

Ask for some reference sites, a few workshops similar to yours, and preferably in your area. Salespeople want your money and will gloss over problems. Workshops using computers will tell you exactly what they think of the package, as well as the support they receive. Remember to also ask for details on training, telephone or on site support, and the warranty you will get with the computer hardware and software. Haggle a bit, but remember that you will ultimately get what you pay for, and if you pay cut price, expect cut price service.

What if you have already committed yourself to a package and realised it’s wrong for you, or it’s simply not working?

Admit it, back out of the agreement if possible, or swallow your losses and look for the right package. There is no point leaving your business at risk because you don’t have a system that’s right for you.

Finally, if you need further information, give us a call. We have been consultants to the automotive industry for over 12 years and have a good understanding of the needs of motor vehicle workshops.



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Last modified: Monday, July 17, 2000.

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