Configuring Windows XP/2000/NT for Workshop ManagerInstall software as per instructions for Windows 98 On desktop, press F3 (search for files) and type in AUTOEXEC.NT and look in LOCAL HARD DRIVES, then click on SEARCH NOW Select AUTOEXEC.NT in folder C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 and open the file using NOTEPAD Go to the end of last line of the file and press ENTER On the blank line type in SET CLIPPER=F69 Click on FILE and SAVE Close NOTEPAD In the Search Results window type in CONFIG.NT and look in LOCAL HARD DRIVES, then click on SEARCH NOW Open CONFIG.NT in folder C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 and open the file using NOTEPAD Go to the end of last line of the file and press ENTER Type in FILES=119 Click on FILE and SAVE Close NOTEPAD
Once these changes have been made, all DOS applications will pick up these settings. To confirm this, Right Click on the Workshop Icon, Properties, Program, Windows NT will show the names of the files used for DOS settings. They should be AUTOEXEC.NT and CONFIG.NT. If not, change them.
To change the window size, open the Workshop program in a window, right click and change the properties under options to full screen. Close, right click Workshop icon, select properties, change screen to full, close. Should now be full screen.
Configuring Windows ME for Workshop Manager
Under the Config.sys tab make sure there is a line saying FILES=119 If not, click on add and enter FILES as the field name and 119 as the variable Under Autoexec.bat add the field name CLIPPER and the variable 69 Under System.ini add in 386enh section field name PerVMfiles=119 Save and close. Restart computer If a shortcut hasn't appeared on the desktop, add a shortcut to C:\CAMS\USER_1\WORKSHOP.EXE And C:\CAMS\USER_1\WORK2.EXE
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